Dropbox for Objective-C Developers

Objective-C SDK

The official Objective-C SDK for API v2 helps you to integrate Dropbox into your iOS and macOS apps using Objective-C.


Dropbox for Objective-C - Dropbox for Objective-C is open source on GitHub.

Sample app

DBRoulette - View random photos from Dropbox.

Install Objective-C SDK

You can add the Objective-C SDK to your project via CocoaPods, Carthage, or as an Xcode subproject.

To get started with the Objective-C SDK, check out the README in the GitHub repo, under the Get started section.

Objective-C SDK tutorial

For a complete tutorial, check out the README in the GitHub repo, under the Configure your project section.

Objective-C SDK documentation

Here's the full documentation for the Objective-C SDK.